October 20, 2012

friday favorites - the saturday edition

i have decided to start off a weekly post entitled the 'friday favorites' in which i mention all the pretty things - books, songs, movies, tv shows, pieces of clothing, recipes, etc. -  that have caught my eye in the preceding week and left me drooling. here's the first instance.

1 gorgeous goldenrod benjamins heel shoes by modcloth. love at first sight.  

modcloth cardigan. besides orange, golden yellow is certainly the color of the season, and i do not have a single piece of yellow clothing. gotta find myself a pretty yellow cardigan. 

what katie ate  - recipes and other bits and pieces by katie quinn davies. i accidentally came across the australian gastro blogger / photographer katie quinn's blog and was completely awed by it. her book has just come out, filled with gorgous photos. 

breagha design english tweed satchel made from handwoven wool. i am falling for tweed.

yellow scarf on etsy. that color. and that chunkiness.

6 a bag made out of an old canvas map. taking creativity to the next level. found it on etsy

7 caramel stuffed apple cider cookies. i am practically drooling over the keyboard as i am looking at the photo. can hardly wait to bake them, then stuff my face with them. found the recipe here

8 as the halloween spirit is taking over me i find myself obsessed with candy corn. have never eaten them, but dying to try some out. such a shame they're not sold in hungary. such a shame. (somebody out there, please send me a bag! i won't be ungrateful.)

9 womens toms classic academy plaid flats. i've been pining over them for months, keep visiting this website every single day and hoping that they won't be sold out anytime soon. i am definitely getting them for christmas. can hardly wait.

10 beyonce's little sister has finally released a new single accompanied by a super rad video. years ago i decided was a big favorite of mine and i could never resist moving my limbs all around whenever i heard its upbeat tempo. this time around solange's new tune is just as catchy. i've been listening to losing you on repeat in the past week, and i just can't get enough of it. and the video? total eyecandy. those are some serious dance moves solange pulls off!

and finally a quote by r.m. rilke to ponder: 

I beg you to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.
Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet


  1. “Friday Favorites” is a great idea! In the long run, it will enable you to retrieve the long-forgotten gems you had once stumbled across. Not to mention that we, your readers, get to discover things we would otherwise miss out on.

    Thanks for recommending “You’ve Got Mail.” I’ve just watched it, and I think it’s a lighthearted and entertaining movie.

  2. Thank you, Árpi! I'll try to keep to it.
    I am glad you liked You've Got Mail, it's one of my favorites.
