November 11, 2012

friday favorites - the sunday edition

this week's instance of friday favorites  comes a bit late, as on friday my super duper clever phone was delivered and i was pretty much like the little girl on christmas morning with a brand new barbie  -  my new toy was practically glued to my hand and there was no way i was putting it down.
then yesterday was a work day, afterwards i took a long walk in the city park,  shot some nice late-autumn shots, and in the evening i never got around opening blogger and digging up all the neat and pretty things that have caught my eyes in the past week. nevertheless, here they are now, and it's the special girlie edition, filled with nail polishes, shoes, sweaters, gloves, a hat, and some wise thoughts (not by me, unfortunately). enjoy.

i don't think i have ever mentioned this before, but i am a complete nail polish junkie. i just can't resist buying the cute little bottles filled with all the many mesmerizing shades of polish, then applying and enjoying how well-groomed and colorful my nails they make. as i walked into the local beauty store yesterday (it is pretty much like candy store for me), i couldn't help but be awed by the autumn/winter line of esssence colour&go nail polishes. they came out with a wide selection of beautiful shades for the cold seasons, many shades pumped with some extra glitter. honestly, i have always avoided all things glittery, because glittery things are just not my cup of tea. but this time around i found myself partial to them, wanting to buy at least half a dozen little bottles. in the end i bought 2 polisheses, one by essence, this shade and another one by maybelline. but i am definitely going back and buying a glittery red and gold as well (feeling very chirstmasy already).
and the favorites of the week from my tumblr dashboard       

this shoe dictionary


 cute winter sweaters

 even cuter gloves & mittens, assorted by matchbook magazine


the cutest hat


a bit of inspiration (it is pretty much my ars poetica)


 the best short story ever written. (undoubtedly proves what a genius hemingway was.)

Ernest Hemingway once won a bet by crafting a six-word short story, that can make people cry. (source)

the one that hit the nail on its head (and made me laugh out loud, because it's so me)


and finally: a thought to ponder


 what have caught your eyes lately? do share!

1 comment:

  1. Most nem veszem a fáradságot, hogy angolul gondolkodjak. Csak annyi a megjegyzésem, hogy én is pont körömlakkokat vadászok mostanában. Nekem két árnyalat jön be. Az egyik a sötétpiros, cseresznyeszínnek mondják talán. Régen volt is egy ilyenem, de beszáradt, és kidobtam. Most meg nézzük a Jóbarátokat, és Monicán mindig ilyen van, és nem bírom kiverni a fejemből. A másik, amit láttam valakin, és megtetszett, egyfajta sötétlila, nem a hidegebb fajta, hanem meleg. Egyszerűen annyira elegánsak tudnak lenni ezek a szép sötétek, de a boltban csupa hülye színt látni.
    A másik meg, hogy felfigyeltem a városban az állatfejes sapikra. Előbb egy rókalányt láttam, ma meg egy husky-fejűt, ráadásul ő egy ugyanolyan kutyát sétáltatott élőben. Nem tudom, én felvennék-e ilyet, valószínűleg munkába nem. De a husky-s nagyon cuki volt!
