August 27, 2010

Can You Spot a Book Slut?

via Book Slut

...I got it all :o), except for the snazzy bookmark. I am the lazy dog-earing kind of gal. I have a ton of bookmarks but I never seem to locate one when I need it, so I just dog-ear the book. I always leave bookmarks in books, then forget about them... Or I put them some place, then forget where I put them. Of course I have a million other bits of papers, old tickets, etc. that I could use for marking the book but they are never around when I really need them. So I choose the easy solution: dog-earing. Shame on me.


  1. Well, yes, this really is a crucial question when it comes to stop reading. Personally, I would never have the strength to dog-ear any book. If I did that, I would feel that I disrespect the book. I usually use a tiny piece of paper to mark which page I am at, for I don’t have proper bookmarks. For me, it’s easier not to have one because I can throw the little paper away when the book’s read; thus, I won’t have to look for it next time.

  2. Good idea, thanks for the comment!

  3. Why don't you have a "Like" box and a "Share" box next to your blogs? Those could be really useful because I like most of what I find here. PS. I use teabags to mark my readings. Sometimes it even adds the fragrance to the book.

  4. I used to have like and share buttons but then I changed the theme of the blog and they dissappeared and I couldn't add them for some reason... But I tried again, and this time it worked, so there you go.:)
    I got a few paint chips from a paint store, they look really good, I guess I'm gonna use those for bookmarking.
