November 2, 2012

friday favorites

ladies and gents, here is this week's instance of friday favorites - some of the neat and pretty things that have caught my eyes in the past week.

this week's song on repeat is still némán állni by gergő baricz (check out the english version, entitled solemn silence. just as good, or maybe even better than the hungarian one). another recent favorite of mine is black heart by the british girl group stooshe. although not a very fresh one, i discovered it only a couple of days ago. can hardly wait to listen to the entire album.

cute bookends made by from repurposed vintage telephones

i have been admiring the cute illustrations (accompanied by unfeigned captions) of london-based artist lizzy stewart. check out her tumblr page.


as my pumpkin-craze is still not over, it's hard to resist trying out all pastries pumpkiny. pumpkin coconut muffin is another one of those. 


and finally, a bit of inspiration:


 what have caught your eyes lately? do share!


  1. Thanks so much for the motivation quotes. Keep blogging, I enjoy your posts a lot.
