July 29, 2012

Let the Games Begin

last weekend, as i was wandering around in my grandma's garden looking for photo subjects and shooting random objects, it somehow occurred to me that i should do another round of project 365. then, when i was uploading and editing the previously snapped photos, i still could not get the idea out of my head; in fact, it stuck with me all week long. i'd realized that i had been getting lazier, and not doing anything apart from going to work, getting the work done, coming home, and spending the rest of my days avoiding reality by immersing between the lines of novels or scrolling down my endless tumblr dashboard and watching tv show reruns. it is all kinda okay-ish (?) (sad? pathetic?), but let's be honest, very passive.

 i knew i needed something to perk my creativity with, something that would awaken my curiosity, make me take that extra mile, and kick me out of my comfort zone every once in a while. in 2010 project 365 did exactly that, and i loved (almost) every minute of it. of course, every once in a while the whole thing got a bit too demanding, and by the end i got tired and felt relieved when it was over. still, i don't regret a single moment of it, because i got to see the world from a completely new perspective, i went to places i would never have gone otherwise, while i also sort of connected with people. it made me happy. not to mention that it was something i did every single day for an entire year. and i made visible progress photography wise too.

i've realized i need to do something similar to that, or, possibly, the same thing again. i played with the thought of doing it again, accounted all the pros and cons. i knew it would be awfully demanding. i would probably end up dedicating most of my days to photography, looking for the right moment, the right scene, the right shot, the right editing. there would be bad days, awful days, empty days, when nothing happens, and i could only take lousy photos not worth uploading to the net, but i would have to, nevertheless. but then again, there's the good side, my rediscovering the city, going to places i have been way too lazy to go, strolling around on random streets, wandering into strange buildings, attending fun events, photographing unknown people, finding the beauty in the details. it would help me count down the days of my last year in budapest. it could color the days, it could make the year count. 

in the end, on thursday i decided to give it a go. i loved the idea of it, but not so much the actual shooting/editing/uploading part. i didn't feel like starting it just yet, i wanted to postpone the thing (until when?). it's hard to come over my laziness, hard to shake up my numb mind, and wake up my long asleep creativity. nevertheless, with one lousy, painful shot i kicked off the project on friday, the opening day of the 2012 olympic games. needless to say, my project has nothing to do with the olympics, yet, finding an olympics-related subject on the opening day of the games and the first day of my project felt like a good omen. 

naturally, i still have doubts. about being able to find interesting subjects every day, repeating myself and coming up with the same shots i did two years ago, having enough time for the whole thing. i especially have doubts about doing it (or doing anything for that matter) every day for an entire year, again. nevertheless, i try. it may bring good things to me. i may bring good things to others. we will see. 

so, the games have already started, and i also started uploading the photos to a facebook album. mind you, facebook's photo uploading/viewing application is really crappy, and the quality of the photos visibly deteriorate upon uploading. i am going to post the photos to my tumblr blog as well (where the quality remains the same), along with other pictures i find worth publishing. 

let's hope this new adventure will be worth embarking on.

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