February 4, 2011

Old Habits Die Hard

So there goes my "I will write a blog post every single day in 2011, no matter what" resolution. It's not writer's block, it's not that there isn't anything to write about, it's not about being very busy. It's simply my laziness, and my putting writing off until the very last minute, eg, when it's almost midnight/after midnight and I am sleepy and tired and cannot be bothered with clear thinking and writing.

BUT! ('cause there's always a but) I am going home tomorrow for an entire week, becuase it's registration week at the uni, and there are no classes yet. I have at least 8-10 things in my mind (and in one of my notebooks) I could and will write a post about in the next few days.

And now I shall packing. Yay!

Miskolc (and Mum), here I come! Whoo-hoo!

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