October 4, 2010

You Are So Beautiful To Me

"No Spring nor Summer Beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one Autumnal face." John Donne

As it turns out, this  long weekend of mine is not about being curled up on the sofa with a cup of tea in my hands and just reading, writing, and hanging out. But to be honest, I don't really mind the change of plans, since the weather is absolutely marvelous and it would be such a shame to lock myselp up between the four walls of my room. I am pretty sure we will have more than enough  of cold, dark, and long winter nights when I really won't have nothing better to do than sit inside and enjoy a book or the company of my journal in this warm and cosy room of mine. But for now I shall indulge myself in the stunning autumn sunshine, especially since today is another lovely day and in a couple of hours I am leaving for my Grandma's. I can hardly wait to take over her garden and shoot plenty of macro photos.
Yesterday I went to see my Dad & family who live in a village nearby the small town I grew up and lived in until I finished high school. It was a beautiful bright and crispy autumn day with lots of sunshine and superpretty lights. Naturally I could not resist taking a few several photos in the garden. Then on my way back to Miskolc I had some time to fiddle until the departure of the bus I was to take, so I took a long walk in that good old small town of mine. I like wandering around on the streets of Tiszaújváros, it always brings back so many memories, after all I grew up in that town, I spent most of my years there. Yet, I know that I could not be happy, should I have to still live there, for my thing is big city life, and in such a small town I would suffocate. (Like I did start suffocating during my teenage years.) Anyway, it's not at all bad to take a walk down on Memory Lane every once in a while. 
And now let the photos speak for themselves. 

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