January 18, 2010

Winter Wonderland 2.0

Lorelai: Wait, close your eyes and breathe. I smell snow.
Rory: Ah, it's that time of year.
Lorelai: Can't you smell it?
Rory: You know, it's like dogs and high-pitched noises. I think it's something only you can smell.
(Rory sits down next to Lorelai and pulls a blanket over the both of them)
Lorelai: I love snow.
Rory: Really, I had no idea.
Lorelai: Everything's magical when it snows, everything looks pretty. The clothes are great. Coats, scarves, gloves, hats.
Rory: Thermal underwear, wool socks, ear flaps.
 Lorelai: Oh, yeah. I smell snow.
Luke: What?
Lorelai: It's coming. I always know. I can smell it, and I'm never wrong.
Luke: It wasn't in the forecast.
Lorelai: It's just my favorite time of the year. The whole
world changes color.
Luke: I think I'm blacking out.
Lorelai: Flakes, flurries, swirls, crystals, whatever form it comes in. I'll
take it. We go back, snow and me. We have a beautiful history.
Luke: Saw two forecasts, there was no mention of snow. Cold, but no snow.
Lorelai: Sleigh rides, ice skating, snowball fights. I'll even take curling. God, I love curling!
Luke: Lance Cranston on Channel 6 said it would be dry. Kimmy Liston, Live
at 5, same thing. No snow, nothing.
Lorelai: Hot cocoa, hot toddies. Best time of the year!
Luke: Jimmy Mountain in Accu-Chopper One said it would be weeks before -
(It starts to snow)
Luke: Lance and Kimmy are idiots.
Lorelai: (to the snow) Welcome, friend.
These two dialogues from Gilmore Girls must be the quotes of the day...
This morning, as I peeked out of the window I found winter wonderland outside, which immediately made me feel giddy, and once again I realized how much I adore winter. In fact, I love winter and snow more each year, even more then I did  when I was a kid. Snow means magic to me too, just like it does to Lorelei, because the world suddenly turns perfect and innocent when it is covered with fresh snow - snow, that to me resembles to castor sugar incredibly.
Sugarcoated Winter Wonderland, that's why I love the season most!

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