January 17, 2010

Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much (And Read More)

One thing that I will never ever be able to understand is the notion of time. How can a day fly me by so so unbelievably fast? It seems only a few days ago when I came back to Budapest from the Christmas break, and now it's already the middle of January and we have only two weeks left of the month (and of the exam period). Back then January seemed to be like the longest month of all,  a never-ending and long-desired nothing-to-do month that was stretching ahead of me. But it actually turned out to be quite a busy month as one in-class test follows the other at the night school I'm also attending. I had tests on 5th, 7th, 9th, 12th, 14th, and 15th, I am having two exams on this coming Tuesday, then another one on Thursday... and then on 25th I will have to retake (and must pass!) the phonology exam I failed at the uni back in December... A very busy week is ahead of me, another week  I will have to get throuh somehow...

Anyway, in between the tests I am trying to make the most of the days( you know I have to make the most of my twenties!): live well, laugh often, and love much. The past couple of days have been a perfect example to my ars poetica as I have been doing the things I love quite the most. As the weather was absolutely georgous on Friday - clear blue sky, no clouds at all, sunshine, very springish - it was almost like middle of March twisted with a little bit of chilly wind. After taking that test (which went very well by the way) I just wanted to walk, walk, and walk: enjoy the sun and my rosy cheeks. I also had a few errands I had to run in the town center, so I got those done while walking from place to place. I bought a kitchen scale in a beautiful kitchenware store I bumped into ( I must learn to bake, you know... and without a scale it is a tiny bit hard), then walked down to the biggest market hall we have in Budapest situated on the bank of Danube and by the foot of Szabadság Bridge. Naturally, I could not resist taking a few photos, as the weather was so lovely. 

Then the final stop was Red Bus which is my favorite second-hand bookshop in the town. As I am a complete bookaholic I must feed my addiction by visiting this shop at least a couple of times a month and purchase a few volumes. I try to moderate myself each time I am there and buy only a pair of books, but sometimes I just lose control and leave with (almost) half a dozen books under my arms... Well, this time was no exception, especially since three comlete shelves of volumes were on sale... Naturally, I browsed them through, and in the end I enriched my ever-growing library with three volumes. They are:

  • Gentlemen And Players by Joanne Harris (I have been looking for this for a few months.)
  • The Puffin Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Believe it or not I haven't read anything by Sir A.C. Doyle, and as the new Sherlock Holmes movie is out and I am planning to see it, I must read some of the original stories.)
  • White Oleander by Jane Fitch (This has been on my " I must read it but before that I should locate the book somehow"-list for such a long time, and voila, I come across it.)
Red Bus also had the The Comlete Illustrated Works of Lewis Carroll; and it's been lying around there for such a long time, alway flirting with me and whispering me to buy it... But I am always too cruel and leave with other books... I think I will go back tomorrow and finally buy it... and when I am there I might as well also pick up Truman Capote's Breakfast At Tiffany's. Could I be more of a bookaholic?

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