November 14, 2009

(Not) Alone

Wow, I've just realized that I haven't written a single word here for like 10 days... and to be honest, blogging didn't even cross my mind, as I have been quite busy with school stuff. Nowadays I'm only trying to survive one day at a time and complete as many things on my To Do list as it's possible during that 24-hour interval... Blogging has not been on my list lately (unfortunately), although it should have been... 
So, I guess I'll just carry on with being a stuck up, and publish another poem of mine. I wrote this one exactly almost  a year ago, thus it suits this current weather of ours quite well. (Note that right now I do not feel terribly alone at all. Just a little.)


The last vivid rays of the
Autumn Sun shine upon us
As the train appears
Above the ground.
The crowd of depressed people
Are staring into the bright light,
Just like numb statues, they are.
What connects us except for
The shabby metro car?
We will arrive in a moment,
The road will come to an end,
All will go on their own paths,
And I'll stay alone,
Terribly alone, once again.

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