November 28, 2009

Forever running (out of time)

"Saturday morning, and I am at the old game of catching time between my fingers as it is running, forever running away." - Sylvia Plath wrote it once in her diary. And, although it's already Saturday afternoon (or rather evening...), I feel pretty much the same... or even worse.
I wish all this stressing and rushing and all-the-bloody-deadlines were over; it was finallly exam period and I could have a little bit of worriless (is that a word??) resting... A bit of piece and quiet, slowing down... I desperately need a change in the rhythm of my life. I'm desperate for slowing down, I'm dying for reading novels endlessly, watching my favorite films and series for hours uncounted, and most imortantly: I miss poetry terribly. Exam period is always good for writing poems, hopefully this won't change this time either. I started writing poetry (if you can call it poetry...) about a year ago, during the winter exam period, as I wrote about fifteen poems in January, 2009. Then in the following spring exam period I wrote another bunch. So now I cannot wait to have some freetime on my hands and for my mind to be calmed and relaxed... and then a whole new bunch of poems should will come, hopefully. 
And guess what? I've just started looking forward to Christmas a few days ago. Last Thursday I listened to Diana Krall's Christmas album, the first time in the season. Then at home, during the weekend I listened to it again; I even put it on my MP3 player. I just love it, because, on the one hand, it's pure jazz (which I admire so much), and on the other, it's not the usual cheesy, over-the-top Christmas stuff (which drives me crazy right after making me sick). 
Anyway, I'm trying to pretend, or convince myself that I don't really like Christmas, and actually, I don't, as the holiday never ever turns out even half as good as I always hope it would... Still, by the end of November, this funny, warm feeling settles on my chest, and I enjoy the comforting feeling that Christmas is around the corner... and that there's still a good chance that this time, this year Christmas will be better, jollier than it was in the previous years. The hope is still alive, yet. So, I'm looking forward to the winter break, as I already have a list of festive films which I will definitely watch (such as The Shop Around the Corner, You've Got Mail, Love Actually, The Holiday... You know, the usual cheesy stuff), as well as a list of books I'm planning to read during the second half of December and in January (eg: Sylvia Plath's Correspondence, Julie & Julia by Julie Powell, The Jane Austen Book Club by Karen Joy Fowler, Joanne Harris' Gentlemen and Players... and the list goes on forever.)
So, the point is that I'm trying to get through the next three weeks with the smallest demage caused (by me)... I still should must write about ten articles, prepare and give a 15-minute long presentation, have four in-class tests, and write half a dozen essays... this all in less than three weeks. Then I'll have that bloody hard phonology exam on 17 December. A nice month is ahead of me, isn't it?
And to top it all, my laptop is broken, and I'm praying it can be fixed (without paying a fortune for it).
Okay, I'll stop whining and start working now... or at least I should.

PS: Can't wait for the first snow of the season!

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